Inquest told there was 'no immediate risk' to tragic teenager Amber Peat despite her repeatedly running away from home.

Amber PeatAmber Peat
Amber Peat
A family resource worker said she felt there was 'no immediate risk' to teenager Amber Peat when she visited her family home, an inquest heard

The inquest into the tragic death of the Mansfield teenager today looked at the events following Amber running away from home in January 2014 and the action taken by agencies to protect her. The youngster's body was found in bushes after she ran away again in 2015.

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Family resource worker Sarah Hart gave evidence at Nottingham coroner's court.

As part of Tibshelf multi agency team she had been sent after police reported Amber as a missing person in 2014

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Amber had been on report at Tibshelf school for her behaviour.

Mrs Hart told assistant coroner Laurinder Bower: "The focus was on the missing person report .

" I discussed with Amber the issues about not putting herself at risk and the worry she had caused. To find out why she had absconded would have been for a future visit. My priority was to build up trust with her."

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She said she had asked Amber why she ran away with her mother Kelly present.

"She didn't answer , her mother did.

" I asked if I could speak to Amber alone upstairs.

"I don't like putting children under too much pressure."

She had referred Amber to a youth worker.

She was very quiet with her mother and when her stepfather spoke. Kelly was negative about her behaviour.

The Peat's GP had also referred the family to the team over conflicts in the home setting and Mr Peat's mental health issues.

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But Mrs Hart said she had not asked the family to consent for her to share information with other agencies.

She said "If a mental health worker had concerns they would have referred that in."

The inquest heard that Amber had run away again before the youth worker's first visit in February 2014.

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The hearing was also told that Amber had run away three or four times before the visit by the family resources worker which had not been reported by the family to the police.

The coroner asked Mrs Hart if there had been an action plan for the family if she ran away again.

She said she recalled speaking to them about it but had not written a plan.

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The visit had been made because a missing person referral had to be conducted within 72 hours.

She said: "Amber was well, there was no immediate risk and there was no need to go into full details. That would come later."

Amber had been happy to meet a youth worker and deal with issues around self esteem and confidence building.