Planning: what developments could be coming to an Ashfield street near you


Kirkby Ashfield District Council OfficesNMAC10-2465-2

Kirkby Ashfield District Council Offices
NMAC10-2465-2 Kirkby Ashfield District Council Offices
Here is a list of some of the latest planning applications which have been submitted to Ashfield District Council.

Conversion of a residential property to use class C2 residential care home and associated alterations to the building at 12 West Hill, Kirkby.

* Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Limited have applied for a Mobile base station with an 18m lattice tower, two antennae, two dishes, three equipment cabinets and a meter cabinet with a 1.2m high timber post and rail fence at Allens Farm, Alma Road, Selston.

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* Warwick Integrated Generation have applied for an electricity generating plant at Mill Lane Kirkby to have a planning condition removed to allow the plant to operate using natural gas as well as organic.