NHS Notts urging people to stay healthy this winter

NHS Nottinghamshire has outlined the need for people to live a healthy this winter, whether that’s taking medicine for a cold or doing exercise.

For those who have a long-term condition, there are other things they may need to consider, such as changes to their diet, different types of medication or exercise, staying active by doing things that are important, such as meeting friends and family or going on holiday.

Health Partnerships’ Self Care Team, part of Nottinghamshire Healthcare offer a number of self-care programmes: Staying Well, Looking After Me, Regaining Confidence after Stroke courses and Health Peer Mentor programme.

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These courses are available free of charge for people with long-term conditions and their carers and enable participants to learn techniques to cope with their condition, set goals and build confidence, and provide a one to one service for people who are isolated and unable to attend group sessions but would benefit from talking to someone who has experienced the same condition.

Courses available during January:

On Friday 9th January, there is Looking After Me course for carers, 10am to 12.30pm at the Friends Meeting House Rosemary Street, Mansfield.

On Monday 19th January there is Staying Well (Expert Patient Programme) course for people with long term conditions, 1pm to 3.30pm at Rumbles Café Sutton Lawn, Station Street, Sutton.

On Wednesday 21st January, Regaining Confidence After Stroke for Stroke survivors and their carers, is 2pm to 4pm at the Friends Meeting House Rosemary Street, Mansfield.

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These programmes support the work being done by the Better Together Programme (www.bettertogethermidnotts.org.uk) which will create a more joined up health and social care service in Mid-Nottinghamshire.

Dawn Anderson, Self Care Manager at the Trust said: “The self-management tools that we offer are patient centred and provide an ideal opportunity for people to meet others going through the same challenges.

“People who have attended courses have found them so valuable, and some have even gone on to run their own courses. They are trained to national accredited standards and are a valuable part of our workforce.”

Find out about these courses and the support that’s available to you this winter to help you look after yourself if you have a long-term condition by visiting www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/self-care

Places are limited so reserving a place is essential. If you are interested in any of the Self Care programmes please contact: Dawn Anderson on 01623 673302 or email [email protected]

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