A total of 1,099 students studied one or more GCSE subjects at the college this year, largely due to the government’s requirement for young people aged 16 to 18 who have not achieved a grade 4 or above in English and maths to re-take these subjects while in post-16 education.
In addition to students that retake their GCSEs, the college also has many adult learners who attend evening classes to improve on their original grades, usually so they can move on to higher-level study and re-train for a new career.
Meanwhile, students also received results for technical and vocational qualifications, including City & Guilds Technicals and BTEC Firsts, both at level 2.
Andrew Cropley, principal and chief executive, said: “Well done to all those who have achieved their passes in GCSE English, mathematics and biology today.
“Most of these students had never sat a formal exam before coming to college and last year they received a disappointing outcome through the teacher-assessed grades process after two hugely disrupted years. This makes their achievement all the more creditable.
“We’ve also seen many adult learners improve on their GCSE grades in key subjects, having made the decision to return to education as a mature student, often with a career change in mind. Many have combined their studies with working full-time, which requires major commitment.
“Achieving these GCSEs is a huge benefit in opening doors to further study and future employment opportunities and I’m very proud of all those who have done so.
“Congratulations also to all those who received the results of their level 2 vocational and technical courses. Again, these demanding qualifications will provide a great springboard onto further learning, employment or apprenticeships.
“Huge thanks to all those teachers and support staff who have shown great creativity, dedication and patience in helping their students achieve these important and demanding milestones.
“We’re excited to be welcoming back many of these students over the next couple of weeks so they can take their studies to the next level, and we send those leaving us to pursue their careers or a higher education programme our very best wishes.”
![Father-of-two Sam Williams-Duncan, 39, who got a grade 5 in GCSE biology, said: “This grade is what I wanted. I sat my GCSEs at school in 1999 and got two Ds in science, which was a source of frustration for many years.
“I re-took my science GCSE in 2012 but for personal reasons wasn’t able to sit one of the exams, so it carried on being a frustration for another ten years. To get this grade has finally removed a monkey off my back.”](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmIxYzNiMDRiLTdjMmMtNDMzMS04MzFhLWIzOTM0MDU1M2I0MzowMzUzNWFmNS04NTc2LTRlYzItYmU0Ni1hNGEwMTQ5ODVkYTA=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. West Nottinghamshire College GCSE results
Father-of-two Sam Williams-Duncan, 39, who got a grade 5 in GCSE biology, said: “This grade is what I wanted. I sat my GCSEs at school in 1999 and got two Ds in science, which was a source of frustration for many years. “I re-took my science GCSE in 2012 but for personal reasons wasn’t able to sit one of the exams, so it carried on being a frustration for another ten years. To get this grade has finally removed a monkey off my back.” Photo: Vision West Nottinghamshire College
![Lee Rodgers, 36, from Mansfield, can now apply for a position with the police, which requires the equivalent of a grade C in English and maths.
Lee said: “Being furloughed and then made redundant during lockdown forced me to re-evaluate what I want to do.
“I got mostly grade Cs at school, except in maths, and a lot of the jobs I wanted to do, including the police, needed a C grade equivalent in English and maths. That’s why I came back to college.
“This grade opens up a new world of opportunity. It’s massive – it means I can now apply for a job with the police.
“I’m hoping to get my foot in the door and seeing where it takes me.
“If I can go on to have a 20-year career with the police, then that will be even longer than my previous career, which I thought was going to be for life. This could be life-changing.”](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmQ3MGE3MjYzLTRhODQtNDJlMi05YzZkLWMxNzJjMzdkNTQzZjo4ODE1OWI0Ny01N2YxLTQyZjUtYjBmNi1jMWM1Y2Y0MzMyYTQ=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. West Nottinghamshire College GCSE results
Lee Rodgers, 36, from Mansfield, can now apply for a position with the police, which requires the equivalent of a grade C in English and maths. Lee said: “Being furloughed and then made redundant during lockdown forced me to re-evaluate what I want to do. “I got mostly grade Cs at school, except in maths, and a lot of the jobs I wanted to do, including the police, needed a C grade equivalent in English and maths. That’s why I came back to college. “This grade opens up a new world of opportunity. It’s massive – it means I can now apply for a job with the police. “I’m hoping to get my foot in the door and seeing where it takes me. “If I can go on to have a 20-year career with the police, then that will be even longer than my previous career, which I thought was going to be for life. This could be life-changing.” Photo: Vision West Nottinghamshire College
![Lee Rodgers, 36, from Mansfield, can now apply for a position with the police, which requires the equivalent of a grade C in English and maths.
Lee said: “Being furloughed and then made redundant during lockdown forced me to re-evaluate what I want to do.
“I got mostly grade Cs at school, except in maths, and a lot of the jobs I wanted to do, including the police, needed a C grade equivalent in English and maths. That’s why I came back to college.
“This grade opens up a new world of opportunity. It’s massive – it means I can now apply for a job with the police.
“I’m hoping to get my foot in the door and seeing where it takes me.
“If I can go on to have a 20-year career with the police, then that will be even longer than my previous career, which I thought was going to be for life. This could be life-changing.”](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmQ3MGE3MjYzLTRhODQtNDJlMi05YzZkLWMxNzJjMzdkNTQzZjo4ODE1OWI0Ny01N2YxLTQyZjUtYjBmNi1jMWM1Y2Y0MzMyYTQ=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
1. West Nottinghamshire College GCSE results
Lee Rodgers, 36, from Mansfield, can now apply for a position with the police, which requires the equivalent of a grade C in English and maths. Lee said: “Being furloughed and then made redundant during lockdown forced me to re-evaluate what I want to do. “I got mostly grade Cs at school, except in maths, and a lot of the jobs I wanted to do, including the police, needed a C grade equivalent in English and maths. That’s why I came back to college. “This grade opens up a new world of opportunity. It’s massive – it means I can now apply for a job with the police. “I’m hoping to get my foot in the door and seeing where it takes me. “If I can go on to have a 20-year career with the police, then that will be even longer than my previous career, which I thought was going to be for life. This could be life-changing.” Photo: Vision West Nottinghamshire College
![Eduard Bociu, 17, said his GCSE grades of 8 in maths and grade 5 in English means he can follow his dreams of working in medicine.
He said: “I am very happy about these results; they will help me a lot. I had been living in Romania until two years ago and this is the first time I have taken GCSEs.
“I have always wanted to study A-levels, for my future, but I couldn’t do that because I didn’t have any GCSEs, only Romanian results. With these GCSEs I can now study A-levels at West Notts and follow my dreams of working in medicine.
“I’m very excited about the future and can’t wait to start studying.”](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjJiNjAzMmZjLTc5ZTQtNDc0ZS05NzZmLTQ1NDQxYmU2ZTgzYjo4ZDU4YzdkNy02Mjc4LTRiMjEtOTMwNi1iNDcyNDU3YjZiNDk=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
2. West Nottinghamshire College GCSE results
Eduard Bociu, 17, said his GCSE grades of 8 in maths and grade 5 in English means he can follow his dreams of working in medicine. He said: “I am very happy about these results; they will help me a lot. I had been living in Romania until two years ago and this is the first time I have taken GCSEs. “I have always wanted to study A-levels, for my future, but I couldn’t do that because I didn’t have any GCSEs, only Romanian results. With these GCSEs I can now study A-levels at West Notts and follow my dreams of working in medicine. “I’m very excited about the future and can’t wait to start studying.” Photo: Vision West Nottinghamshire College
![Eduard Bociu celebrates his maths grade 8 and English grade 5 with dad Constantin.
Eduard’s father, Constantin, said: “I feel absolutely fantastic. I was sure my son would get good results in his exams because he learned very well back in Romania and he’s learned very well in England. He’s a very hard worker.
“My wife and I are very proud of him.”](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjQ0ZmU2ZmYzLTc3M2YtNDRkZS1iMzNiLTc4OTBmYWQ1ZjA0ZDoxNzdmNjUyNC00OGU1LTQ4YWEtYjQ1ZC1kNTNkOTNlZWRlZTU=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
3. West Nottinghamshire College GCSE results
Eduard Bociu celebrates his maths grade 8 and English grade 5 with dad Constantin. Eduard’s father, Constantin, said: “I feel absolutely fantastic. I was sure my son would get good results in his exams because he learned very well back in Romania and he’s learned very well in England. He’s a very hard worker. “My wife and I are very proud of him.” Photo: Vision West Nottinghamshire College
![Mother-of-three and full-time hospital theatre worker Rebecca Roberts, 38, is delighted with her grade 4 and 5 in maths and English.
Rebecca said: “At school I got D grades in my GCSEs so I knew I needed to improve my maths and English in order to get on to an Access to University course at the college.
"I would have been happy with grade 4s in both subjects so I’m very pleased to have got a 4 in maths and a 5 in English.
“I have a full-time job at King’s Mill Hospital and three young children so I would have been happy with just a pass – grade 4s were all I expected – so I’m delighted.
“I’ll be enrolling on the Access to Nursing course at the college next because I want to train to be a paramedic.
"I might do the paramedic course at Nottingham Trent University’s Mansfield campus although I will apply to a few places and see where it takes me."](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjgyYzhkODM2LTZiOTItNDVjMC05M2U2LTFjY2Y1MjE3NjA0YTo1ZTU1MzI2My04MmVhLTQ3NWUtOGNhNy0xMDZjMGU4OWJjMmQ=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
4. West Nottinghamshire College GCSE results
Mother-of-three and full-time hospital theatre worker Rebecca Roberts, 38, is delighted with her grade 4 and 5 in maths and English. Rebecca said: “At school I got D grades in my GCSEs so I knew I needed to improve my maths and English in order to get on to an Access to University course at the college. "I would have been happy with grade 4s in both subjects so I’m very pleased to have got a 4 in maths and a 5 in English. “I have a full-time job at King’s Mill Hospital and three young children so I would have been happy with just a pass – grade 4s were all I expected – so I’m delighted. “I’ll be enrolling on the Access to Nursing course at the college next because I want to train to be a paramedic. "I might do the paramedic course at Nottingham Trent University’s Mansfield campus although I will apply to a few places and see where it takes me." Photo: Vision West Nottinghamshire College