Rogue landlords will be prosecuted warns Ashfield council

Ashfield District Council has warned that it will prosecute landlords who put their tenants' lives at risk.Ashfield District Council has warned that it will prosecute landlords who put their tenants' lives at risk.
Ashfield District Council has warned that it will prosecute landlords who put their tenants' lives at risk. | Other 3rd Party
A crackdown on rogue landlords by Ashfield District Council has been boosted by a £35,000 grant from the government.

The council is committed to ensuring that tenants ’ lives are not put in danger by unscrupulous landlords and will allocate the funding to technological improvements in communication and data collection.

Revised regulations governing Houses In Multiple Occupation (HMO), which are properties with areas such as kitchens and bathrooms that are shared by more than one household, have led to a five-fold rise in the number of homes that need to be licensed in Ashfield.

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A large proportion of landlords have complied with requirements but the council continues to identify unlicensed HMOs that need to be brought within the requirements.

Three landlords in the district have been successfully prosecuted in the last 12 months. Civil Penalty notices have been issued for the first time with the first two landlords paying a fine of £12,500 for failing to obtain the correct licence.

Landlords can now apply online for the licence.

Cllr Tom Hollis, cabinet member for housing said “Investing in technology like this not only makes it easier for landlords to apply for the relevant licence, but allows us to better regulate who is not complying and prosecute as necessary. We will, and do prosecute those who think they can get away with putting people’s lives in danger.”

Landlords who want to obtain their HMO licence should go to:

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