Plans for 22 new homes in Newthorpe set to get green light

The homes will be built on land south of Pinfold Road in Newthorpe.The homes will be built on land south of Pinfold Road in Newthorpe.
The homes will be built on land south of Pinfold Road in Newthorpe.
Plans for more than 20 new homes in a village close to Eastwood are expected to get the go ahead this week.

Developers want to build 22 three-bedroom homes in land south of Pinfold Road, Newthorpe, near Eastwood.

A total of 23 residents objected to the plans, citing loss of privacy, flooding, loss of trees and hedgerows and overlooking.

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But planning officers wrote that “whilst the plots will be set higher than Pinfold Road, the distance between these plots and the existing properties is considered sufficient to maintain privacy”.

Broxtowe Borough Council will decide on the plans submitted by applicant Stones Sankey Developments during its meeting on November 3.

Originally, developers wished to build 15 homes on the site, which is a former paddock, but the number has since been upped to 22.

Planning permission was granted for the site in 2014 but has now expired.

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A council document stated: “The benefits of the proposal are that the residential development would see the development of a vacant site for residential purposes.

“The proposed dwellings are not considered to be harmful to the character of the surrounding area, or have an unacceptable impact on neighbouring amenity or highway safety.

“It is not considered there will be any significant detrimental impact upon the immediate neighbouring properties located on Pinfold Road, Main Street or Baldwin Street in respect of overlooking, overbearing or noise impacts.”

Nottinghamshire County Council has requested funding worth over £100,000 to go towards bus stop improvements and secondary education provision if plans are approved.

Councillors will also vote on separate plans for a major project for 110 houses on the former Lynncroft Primary School site in Eastwood.