Jobseekers have been finding a record number of vacancies available.Jobseekers have been finding a record number of vacancies available.
Jobseekers have been finding a record number of vacancies available.

Jobs in Mansfield and Ashfield that could earn you £30,000 or more

The number of job vacancies in the UK has hit a record high, according to the latest figures.

Between July and September, there were 1.1 million posts available, which was the highest since records began in 2001. It added up to good news for those just coming off furlough.

But what about the jobs market in Mansfield and Ashfield? Are there plenty of vacancies here – and are there plenty that pay well?

We’ve checked the jobs noticeboard and come up with a selection of roles that offer a decent salary of at least £30,000 per year. All the positions listed can be found on the Indeed website.

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