In both towns there were parades, led by bands and colourful standards, and services at the local churches and war memorials with dignitaries and representatives of the Royal British Legion, armed forces, uniformed services and community groups all laying wreaths.
Everyone then observed the two-minutes silence at 11am.
Coun Jason Zadrozny (Ash Ind), Ashfield Council leader, said: “Attendances at our cenotaphs, parades, memorials and events across the district was at a record high.
"This is down to the all year round work and dedication of the volunteers who make sure these events happen.
"I would like to thank each and every one of them.
"For those who organised our parades, to those who arranged church services, to those who put poppies on our lampposts.
“As communities, it is critical that we come together to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in conflict.
"Residents across our district behaved impeccably and with great respect.
"As the council leader, I can’t thank them enough.”
Coun Tom Hollis (Ash Ind), council deputy leader, added, “The turn out in Huthwaite was amazing.
Both Councillor Paul Grafton and I are so grateful to the organisers of the events.
"We were delighted to support them as our community came together to remember those who gave so much for us.”
Coun Lee Waters (Ash Ind), councillor for Hucknall Central said: “It remains an enormous privilege to attend and support our Remembrance Sunday commemorations.
"Councillors Dave Shaw, John Wilmott and I were delighted to once again support the Hucknall event financially through our Nottinghamshire County Councillor’s Divisional Fund to assist with the parade going ahead and it was great to see a record attendance.”
Coun John Wilmott (Ash Ind), councillor for Hucknall North said: “I’ve attended the Hucknall Remembrance Sunday commemorations since I was a child and this was one of the biggest attendances I can remember.
"I’d like to thank the Hucknall British Legion and the Hucknall Tourism and Regeneration Group for organising another extremely successful event.”
Coun Dale Grounds (Ash Ind), Ashfield Council chairman, said: “I was proud, as the chairman of Ashfield Council to lead commemorations in Kirkby.
"As the civic head of our district, we were so pleased to see our communities coming together to remember the courage of those servicemen and women who went before us.”

1. Remembrance 2023
A big crowd gathered for the service at Sutton cenotaph Photo: Submitted

2. Remembrance 2023
Couns Paul Grafton and Tom Hollis pay their respects at the Huthwaite war memorial Photo: Submitted

3. Remembrance 2023
Dignitaries at the Sutton centoph including Coun Vicki Heslop, Alderman Glenys Maxwell and Lt Col Keith Spiers Photo: Submitted

4. Remembrance 2023
Coun chairman Coun Dale Ground and Rev Kevin Charles in the Kirkby parade Photo: Submitted