Year 6 students from Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy collected 10 bags of rubbish during their litter pick of Crompton Road Park.Year 6 students from Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy collected 10 bags of rubbish during their litter pick of Crompton Road Park.
Year 6 students from Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy collected 10 bags of rubbish during their litter pick of Crompton Road Park.

Day of action helps clean up streets of Bilsthorpe

Dozens of residents took to the streets of Bilsthorpe to help clean up the village in a day of action.

The day, organised by Newark & Sherwood Council, featured litter-picking, graffiti removal, street cleaning and more.

The event, on June 30, targeted issues raised by residents, councillors and those identified during a pre-event assessment.

Council street cleaning vehicles were out in force, as litter pickers strolled through the village.

Resident Stuart Vincent was among those who volunteered to help pick litter.

The 69-year-old retired police officer said: “I saw a message from the council wanting volunteers.

“It’s good to do something to improve your community.”

The volunteers collected 35 bags of waste – items included a set of ladders, a computer hard drive, a tap, four wheel hubs and a bath mat.

And 17 Year 6 students from Bilsthorpe Flying High Academy collected 10 bags of rubbish during their litter pick of Crompton Road Park.

A total of six tonnes of waste was cleared, including 1.25t of litter and fly tipping, 2.5t of weeds and roadside debris and 2t of green waste from hedge cuttings and trimmings etc.

Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service was also involved, with firefighters carrying out safe-and-well checks, speaking to residents about safety in their home.

A team from Via, Nottinghamshire Council’s highways partner, worked on cutting back grass verges along Kirklington Road, while Bilsthorpe Community Centre and Bilsthorpe Miner’s Welfare were treated to a jet wash, with two pieces of graffiti removed.

Council housing officers spoke to tenants, with 17 asked to improve their garden maintenance and thank you cards given to those ‘keeping their gardens looking beautiful and well maintained’.

A community speed watch was undertaken on the 30mph Mickledale Lane, with 172 drivers adhering to the limit, 14 in excess of 33 miles per hour and one driver clocked at 39mph.

Waste Investigations Support Enforcement went out on patrols of the area and issued a fixed penalty notice for littering a cigarette, while cases of fly tipping were noted for further investigation.

Council community protection officers also chatted to residents about responsible dog ownership, including the importance of chipping your pet, and cleaning up after them in public spaces. They also replaced signage and handed out information leaflets and free poo bags.

Coun Roger Jackson, council portfolio holder for cleaner, safer, greener, said: “Days of action such as this allow us to all work together to create the Cleaner, Safer, Greener Newark and Sherwood that we all want to see.“It was fantastic to see the community coming together and how much we can achieve when we join forces with our partners and the local residents. I look forwards to seeing more areas around our District benefit from days of action such as this”.

Coun Bruce Laughton, Nottinghamshire Council deputy leader, said: “This is a great example of everybody coming together to tackle issues and take part in activities to improve their area.

"Bilsthorpe has always had a fantastic community spirit and a day of action like this builds on that energy and enthusiasm, strengthening communication between residents and service providers, such as councils.”

Council street cleaning vehicles were out in force, as litter pickers strolled through the village.