There were nearly 14,000 centenarians recorded in the 2021 census, up from around 11,000 a decade before.There were nearly 14,000 centenarians recorded in the 2021 census, up from around 11,000 a decade before.
There were nearly 14,000 centenarians recorded in the 2021 census, up from around 11,000 a decade before.

Centenarians in Mansfield and Ashfield: The areas with the most people aged 100 or more, according to 2021 census

More people are reaching the grand old age of 100, new census data shows.

The population of England and Wales continues to get older on average, the figures show. There were nearly 14,000 centenarians recorded in the 2021 census, up from about 11,000 a decade before.

David Sinclair, chief executive of the International Longevity Centre UK, said one of the main challenges of an ageing population is how to support people to age well.

He said: “We start ageing in the womb so we need to be looking at the young. We need to be thinking about access to education and learning across the whole life so that we can make sure we are prepared for the 100-year life, even if that doesn’t end up being everyone.

“We also need to change the narrative and debate around supporting people to work longer. We need to address challenges like pensioner poverty, shortages in housing and inequalities in health and life expectancy.”

In Mansfield, there were 21 people recorded on the census who were at least 100 years old, while in Ashfield there were 25.

Here are the neighbourhoods with the most centenarians, according to the Office for National Statistics. Images are for illustrative purposes only.

He said: “We start ageing in the womb so we need to be looking at the young. We need to be thinking about access to education and learning across the whole life so that we can make sure we are prepared for the 100-year life, even if that doesn’t end up being everyone.