Ashfield residents flock to 'wellbeing roadshow' in Hucknall town centre

A wellbeing roadshow organised by Ashfield community partners hosted a family event in Hucknall – with activities for all ages and community stalls from across the district.

Trevor Clower and the Caring Roadshows teamed up with the Ashfield Wellbeing Network's community events to host the first ‘Family Wellbeing Roadshow’ event in Hucknall.

Ashfield Wellbeing Network is a partnership of councils, groups, and services within the district that collaborate to provide support to residents.

The Hucknall roadshow – a first of its kind for the area – saw hundreds flock to the community stalls and free family-friendly fun on offer.

Here is a closer look at the successful event held in Hucknall town centre.

Recognise anyone?

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