Look closer to home

Following the piece in support from our distinguished mayor of the proposed ‘HS2’ to be enticed this way. Is this to cope with the exodus of people leaving the town to shop elsewhere?

A comment was made that it will enable people to get to Amsterdam in four and a half hours

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It is always commendable to look further afield, but the locality has need of some sustainable effort to be placed in our own town.

Regarding the council offices, due to excessive space that must be available here and the mountainous cost, isn’t it time the Council moved back into the town?

The cashiers appears to be closing or closed, one of many - the public now have no choice in that respect.

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The area I reside has been in need of road re-surfacing, park repairs and also more grass cutting than twice a year.

Last year I contacted NCC, raising points of maintenance that had been carried out when it wasn’t necessary - and the money could have been allocated better elsewhere.

Fortunately, areas are sometimes maintained by some residents.

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When you take into account the majority of property bandings in the area average ‘D’, is it too much for the ask for grass to be maintained and paths and roads too?

If a parish precept will come into being, will it be allocated to the work that needs to be done fairly, within the area, which at this moment is needed?

Sooner than later!

Mark Wilson


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