NAMED AND SHAMED: Mansfield criminal landlords

Convicted landlords from Mansfield can now be named and shamed, thanks to a new national database that has made the information public.

A social media outcry by readers has led Chad to investigate which unscrupulous landlords are in this district, after it was announced that Nottinghamshire is second to London with the highest number of prosecutions on the database.

And the list found that between 2009 and 2014, the only prosecuted landlords by Mansfield District Council was Midway Network Housing.

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Councillor Barry Answer, portfolio holder for housing at the council, said: “The council works hard with private landlords to ensure the standards of homes in the private rented sector are maintained.

“Prosecutions are always the last resort but the council takes safety breaches seriously and will always seek to take legal action when necessary.”

Last week, Chad published an online article about the high number of convicted landlords in the Ashfield district, which has 11 landlords convicted of 22 offences in the same time period - making it the worst district in the county.

Readers took to Facebook to demand the same of Mansfield’s private landlords.

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The new database contains the names of hundreds of convicted private landlords across the UK has been made public for the first time following a legal case between Environment Health News (EHN) and the Ministry of Justice and Information Commissioner.

The database shows that 2,006 individuals and companies were fined nearly £3 million for housing offences under the Housing Act 2004 between 2006 and 2014.

The council are urging anybody with concerns about the condition of a rented property to contact the housing department on 01623 463212.