LETTER: Do you know Jackie and Ken?

I used to live in Mansfield between 2000 and 2004.

Initially, I lived in Meden Vale and then moved to Bellamy Road.

I worked for a company called Credit League, which was then based in Edwinstowe, but has now moved to Ollerton.

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During my employment there I befriended a lady called Jackie Taylor and her partner Ken. I am not sure if I have Ken’s surname correct but I definitely have Jackie’s.

They have since become married.

Jackie is originally a Derbyshire lass now residing in Mansfield. Last I heard she was in the Bull Farm area and Ken is originally from Leicestershire.

Both visited me in Ireland on my return, but we have since lost contact through misplaced numbers.

I would dearly loved to make contact again as they where a lively and lovely genuine couple. Anybody who could help it would be most appreciated.

Yvonne McLoughlin

By email