Health chiefs invite public to annual public meeting of Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group

Members of the public are invited to Mansfield and Ashfield Clinical Commissioning Group Annual Public Meeting to be held on Wednesday 30 September 2015, 4.30pm until 7.30pm in the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4AE.

The event will be an opportunity for the public to meet members of the commissioning body that buys and plans NHS services for the population of Mansfield and Ashfield.

From 4.30pm there will be information about health and social care and voluntary and community services across the area.

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Stalls will feature information to promote healthy lifestyles and the public will get to see how new technologies like telehealth are transforming the way health care is delivered.

The formal part of the meeting will take place from 5.30pm and will include presentations of the CCG’s Annual Report and Accounts, showcasing some of the CCGs achievements and showing plans about how healthcare is being transformed for the future.

To register to attend visit or call 01623 673329 or 01623 673139