Council to review '˜inconvenient impractical and intrusive' tip registration scheme

Nottinghamshire County Council is to review its compulsory car registration policy at council tips including Mansfield and Ashfield, after complaints it is inconvenient impractical and intrusive.

The controversial policy was implemented in March to make sure only people from Nottinghamshire could use the county council’s recycling centres.

But this week two Conservative councillors presented a motion to a full council meeting that the registration system is too intrusive, and that it will prove virtually impossible to police.

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Councillor Richard Butler, said: “It is clear from the number of complaints that many Nottinghamshire residents object, not only to having to register for a service that was previously unrestricted, but also to the amount of personal information the Council is demanding.”

“For instance, in order to register online, you are obliged to give your date of birth and agree to the Council checking your identity and address against your personal credit record, which is entirely unnecessary and intrusive.

“This registration scheme has only come about because neighbouring councils cannot agree a simple formula to compensate each other for the number of people who cross council boundaries to dispose of their waste.

added: “I will be raising concerns from residents in Ashfield about these changes.

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After the Ashfield Independents were able to get the council to scrap their planned charges for the service; it seems that this registration is a back door way of getting the infrastructure in place to introduce charges in the future.

“Also after today’s news that Nottingham City Council won’t be introducing the scheme there, this registration process puts us out of step with other council areas and is a massive waste of money.”

The motion was approved following an amendment calling on the council to “Write to the Secretary of State and local MPs to ask for a directive that all councils should work together to identify the most cost effective and energy efficient means of waste disposal and recycling.”

Councillor Jim Creamer, chairman of the County Council’s environment and sustainability committee, said:

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“We have listened to concerns that have been raised by other members and recognise that there is an issue with waste coming across the border into Nottinghamshire from other areas.

“The problem of dealing with waste and recycling is a national problem and if the Secretary of State has any suggestions on how to assist with cross-boundary working issues then we will look at them with interest.”