Barbie is searched for almost four million times on average every month globally, with the most valuable doll said to be worth a staggering £226,000, according to research from OnBuy’s Toy Department. From teddies and dolls, to old board games, these popular toys could potentially earn you millions if you still have them hidden away at home.
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Do you have any of these toys at home? Photo: Shutterstock
. Trading Cards
Highest recorded sale: £2.9m Photo: Shutterstock
. Comic books
Highest recorded sale: £2.4m Photo: Shutterstock
5. Toy Cars (Hot Wheels)
Highest recorded sale: £131k Photo: Shutterstock
6. Board games
Highest recorded sale: £109k Photo: Shutterstock
7. Disney VHS tapes
Highest recorded sale: £11k Photo: Shutterstock