NHS trusts and other health bodies around the region are recruiting to roles specifically related to the massive inoculation scheme. Here are the jobs people can apply for now.
All pharmacies should be used as part of the vaccine programme as they are trusted, have the expertise and are local to every community. JPIMedia's 'Shot In The Arm' campaign calls for everyone to have the ability to get a jab within 10 minutes of their home by using our great pharmacy network.
In these confusing and worrying times, local journalism is more vital than ever. Thanks to everyone who helps us ask the questions that matter by taking out a subscription or buying a paper. We stand together. Nancy Fielder, editor.
![Julie Whitaker at the Covid 19 vaccination centre which has opened at Sheffield Arena. Picture: Scott Merrylees.](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmVhZDgwYjU0LTlkNzgtNGY4OS04Y2UzLWQ1MGU4Yjc5OThhMzo0ZWQyMzliZC05OTZkLTRmZDMtYjU2Yy1kYTMzNWQxOWJiYzg=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Julie Whitaker at the Covid 19 max vaccination centre which has opened at the Sheffield Arena. Picture Scott Merrylees
Julie Whitaker at the Covid 19 vaccination centre which has opened at Sheffield Arena. Picture: Scott Merrylees. Photo: Scott Merrylees
![Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking for clinical support workers who are currently employed by the trust to apply for six-month secondments to work at the Sheffield Arena vaccine centre. Duties include preparing patients prior to administration of the vaccine and offering guidance and support to the public.](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmU3YzI5OThkLTY1YmUtNGVmZi1iMDc4LWJmM2Y3YjA3MGFhNzoxMGJkZGFjNi0yMjI2LTQ1ZTEtOGI0Ni1iYTkxYTNhOGU1NjA=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Clinical Support Workers
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking for clinical support workers who are currently employed by the trust to apply for six-month secondments to work at the Sheffield Arena vaccine centre. Duties include preparing patients prior to administration of the vaccine and offering guidance and support to the public. Photo: Scott Merrylees
![Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking to recruit NMC registered nurses who would be interested in joining them as Covid-19 vaccinators at the Sheffield Arena centre.](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmI5ODI1NzBmLTcxYjEtNDY3Yi1hNzg0LTQ4OGI3M2VlNjk5NDo3MjI1ZTU0Ni1lMGY4LTRlNDMtYWQwNC1lYmYxYjBhMDU0Yzc=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Staff Nurses
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking to recruit NMC registered nurses who would be interested in joining them as Covid-19 vaccinators at the Sheffield Arena centre. Photo: Scott Merrylees
![Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking for clinical support workers who are currently employed by the trust to apply for six-month secondments to work at the Sheffield Arena vaccine centre. Duties include preparing patients prior to administration of the vaccine and offering guidance and support to the public.](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmU3YzI5OThkLTY1YmUtNGVmZi1iMDc4LWJmM2Y3YjA3MGFhNzoxMGJkZGFjNi0yMjI2LTQ1ZTEtOGI0Ni1iYTkxYTNhOGU1NjA=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
1. Clinical Support Workers
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking for clinical support workers who are currently employed by the trust to apply for six-month secondments to work at the Sheffield Arena vaccine centre. Duties include preparing patients prior to administration of the vaccine and offering guidance and support to the public. Photo: Scott Merrylees
![Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking to recruit NMC registered nurses who would be interested in joining them as Covid-19 vaccinators at the Sheffield Arena centre.](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmI5ODI1NzBmLTcxYjEtNDY3Yi1hNzg0LTQ4OGI3M2VlNjk5NDo3MjI1ZTU0Ni1lMGY4LTRlNDMtYWQwNC1lYmYxYjBhMDU0Yzc=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
2. Staff Nurses
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is looking to recruit NMC registered nurses who would be interested in joining them as Covid-19 vaccinators at the Sheffield Arena centre. Photo: Scott Merrylees
![The Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System wants to recruit a team of pharmacists who will have pharmaceutical oversight and responsibility for the receipt, storage, preparation and supply of the Covid-19 vaccines in and around Mansfield. Technicians will support the on-site pharmacist or act as lead pharmacy person on site to support the designated chief pharmacist.](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjlmNGZiMzc0LWZmMTItNDQzNi1hOTAyLTVlZDkxM2RiNGMzNjpjMGIyOGQxOC0yNWFiLTQ0MWMtOTA2MS04NmI5MDIzYTdjZDU=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
3. Covid Pharmacy Technician
The Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System wants to recruit a team of pharmacists who will have pharmaceutical oversight and responsibility for the receipt, storage, preparation and supply of the Covid-19 vaccines in and around Mansfield. Technicians will support the on-site pharmacist or act as lead pharmacy person on site to support the designated chief pharmacist. Photo: Ian Forsyth
![The Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System has a vacancy for a Covid pharmacist in and around Mansfield - they will provide pharmaceutical leadership, ensuring all staff are working effectively at the highest levels of safety and quality.](https://www.chad.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmQzNmVhNzQwLWRhY2MtNDUzNS04M2E3LWQyMDgxZGY1NmRhZjowMzhiNDU5OS05ZTMwLTQ4YzQtYWYwNC1lMTYyZjMyNmJkNzA=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
4. Covid Pharmacist
The Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System has a vacancy for a Covid pharmacist in and around Mansfield - they will provide pharmaceutical leadership, ensuring all staff are working effectively at the highest levels of safety and quality. Photo: Ian Forsyth