The new rules, which came into force at one minute past midnight, mean bars and pubs must close unless they serve a substantial meal, and households are banned from mixing indoors or in private gardens and beer gardens.
In addition in Nottinghamshire, local leaders have decided that betting shops, car boots and auction houses must close, as well as tattoo parlours, tanning and nail salons, and piercing services – meaning the county has some of the tightest restrictions seen in the country.
Our photographer Chris Etchells has been out in the town this morning capturing these images of life under the very high tier 3 restrictions.

. Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Picture: Chris Etchells
Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Picture: Chris Etchells Photo: Chris Etchells

. Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Picture: Chris Etchells
Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Picture: Chris Etchells Photo: Chris Etchells

. Shoppers
Shoppers in the town centre on the first day of tier 3 restrictions Photo: Chris Etchells

. Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield.
Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Photo: Chris Etchells

. New rules
The new rules came into force at one minute past midnight Photo: Chris Etchells

. Restrictions
Households are now banned from mixing indoors or outdoors in hospitality venues or private gardens under the new rules Photo: Chris Etchells

1. Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Picture: Chris Etchells
Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Picture: Chris Etchells Photo: Chris Etchells

2. Shoppers
Shoppers in the town centre on the first day of tier 3 restrictions Photo: Chris Etchells

4. Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield.
Day 1 of tier 3 lockdown restrictions in Mansfield. Photo: Chris Etchells