Mansfield company makes £152,000 donation to children's charity

Colleagues at a Mansfield company recently presented a cheque for more than £152,000 to a children’s charity.

The team at Mansfield-based Collins Wealth Management (CWM) presented the cheque of £152,103 on behalf of the St James’s Place Charitable Foundation to the Children’s Charity ‘Chicks’ at its northern residential centre in Ashbourne, Derbyshire.

The Mansfield wealth manager helped to raise these funds through the firm’s charitable foundation and CWM managing partner Ben Collins is pictured presenting the cheque to Chicks regional co-ordinator Mabel Duncombe.

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Mabel (pictured third from right) was thrilled to receive the funds.

She said: “This is an amazing amount of money and we are so indebted to Collins Wealth Management and St James’s Place who have helped make our centre here in Ashbourne the shining light in our work for underprivileged children throughout the UK. A more generous group of people we could not wish to meet and they have impacted very positively the lives of many hundreds of children through their wonderful support.”

Opening its doors in 1992, the Chicks Children’s Charity provides free respite breaks for children all over the UK who are aged eight to 15 and face a challenging time at home.

So far more than 16,000 children and young children have attended a break at one of the charity’s centres, giving those attending the chance to just be children for a few days.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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