Volunteers needed to be part of new Mansfield heritage project

Leeming Street in Mansfield in 1925.Leeming Street in Mansfield in 1925.
Leeming Street in Mansfield in 1925. | Other 3rd Party
A call has gone out for volunteers to support Mansfield Revived, a National Lottery Heritage Fund supported project which aims to help restore historic buildings in parts of the town centre to their former glory.

The Mansfield Council-led project is supported by £850,000 from the lottery and delivered in partnership with Mansfield BID, Vision West Nottinghamshire College and Nottinghamshire County Council.

It aims to help the owners of Victorian and Georgian buildings the Market Place and Leeming Street Conservation Area improve their properties in a way that is in sympathy with their heritage.

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They can apply for grants covering up to 75 per cent of the cost of making improvements.

The five-year scheme will also have a programme of community activities and events in which anyone can take part.

Other volunteer opportunities include writers, designers and printers to produce a project booklet, people who can help spread the word about the project via social media, would-be photographers who can learn new skills and record the townscape area before and after the improvements, guides who can lead visitors on heritage walks, and general helpers to make sure events are inclusive, safe and enjoyable.Training for these roles can be provided where appropriate. Anyone interested in taking part can contact Pete Brown on 07811 693870 or [email protected]

Property owners interested in applying for a grant, visit www.mansfield.gov.uk/townscapeheritage.