Drug use, drinking alcohol and broken bottles at Clipstone play park

Clipstone play parkClipstone play park
Clipstone play park
Police have been made aware that the Play Park on Church Road Clipstone is being misused by a small minority of the youngsters in Clipstone.

The local beat team have visited the park and spoken to some kids using the park for what is intended and they said that some older teenagers are causing issues.

A post on the Sherwood Police facebook page said: "In recent months another park was subjected to anti social behaviour, names of those responsible were gained and they were visited at home with parents.

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"If this behaviour continues we will be doing home visits again and can also issue Community Protection Notices on repeat offenders.

"Conditions can be added, such as banning certain individuals from the park.

"This of course is a last resort and we hope the park can be enjoyed by all."

Routine checks will be made to the park and if you see anyone causing damage or acting in an anti social manner please report this by calling 101.

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