Community NewsCommunity News
Community News

The Annual Presentation Evening was held recently at the Victoria Hotel, Shirebrook. Saturday, First Team Bassetlaw trophies were won by, Batting Averages – David Humber, Bowling – John Binfield and Best All Rounder – Connor Tansley. The Sunday, First Team trophies were won by, Batting Averages – Liam Smedley, Bowling – Anthony Johnson, with Connor Tansley winning the Fielding. The Second Team, Sunday trophies were won by, Batting Averages – Grant Smedley, Bowling – Connor Tansley and the Fielding by Joel Fretwell. Trophies were presented by League Chairman, Mr Stan Green. A pie and peas supper was prepared and served by staff of the Victoria Hotel.


Students and staff from the Science Department recently completed the Yorkshire, Three Peaks Challenge. They completed the 20 miles plus walk in less than 12 hours despite battling atrocious weather. The sponsor money and donations collected is to be divided between a Namibia fundraising project within school that will enable several students to visit Namibia over the summer to help build a playground and to an ex-student who is hoping to raise funds for charity by climbing Kilimanjaro.

Keep Fit

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Mesdames C. Benson, S. Creswell, J. Charlesworth, D. Wake and daughter, D. Stevenson, M. Mitchell and A. Millward recently accompanied Mrs K. Lindsay to Hostess Restaurant for an Easter celebratory meal. The luncheon was followed by dancing, an entertainer who sang throughout the afternoon and an Easter bonnet parade which was won by Mrs Benson who was presented with an Easter egg.

Leisure Centre

Bookings are now being taken for Abs Blast and boxing with Lina Harris on Monday mornings and a new Body Pump class on Monday evenings. Functional circuits are also available 6-7pm on Mondays with Danny Butler. To book or for more details call 748313.

Richmond Care Home

Lifelong Shirebrook resident, Mr Henry (Pete) Sills recently celebrated his 97th birthday with a celebratory family tea at the home of his granddaughter and her husband, Mr and Mrs Gary Lawson of Meden Vale. Mr Sills was presented with cards and gifts to mark the occasion. Claire Seymour played dominoes on a one to one basis with residents and organised a hands and nails pamper session. Bingo was played in the main lounge with residents winning chocolate treats. Residents listened to a music cd of Daniel O’Donnell.

Tuesday Welcome

Mrs M. Blakemore welcomed dancers to Shirebrook Miners Welfare Social Centre yesterday week. Mrs M. Goodall organised the dancing and led three new dances. Music was provided by Mr P. Goodall.

Happy Chat Coffee

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Julie Bonsall welcomed members to Shirebrook Leisure Centre on Wednesday week where she also collected subscriptions and served refreshments assisted by Tracy Burdett. Table games were organised by Ann-Lock and Dot Hindley. June Howl was presented with a birthday cake and cards. Raffle winners were Julie Lawton, Chris Tennant, Ada Askew, Marjorie Wardle, Elaine Brown, June Howl and David Butler.

Early Birds DN

Babies have recently played with shredded paper and animals in water, farm animals in sand and used flour and sticks in tactile play. Children completed people jigsaws, played with stacking cups and used felt tipped pens. Story of the week was, ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. Toddlers played with magnetic popoids, Stickle bricks cogs and gears. Pre-school children used a Playstation and a Wii console, played games of Buckaroo and Frustration and rode bikes and scooters outdoors. Tactile play was with toy dinosaurs and shredded paper.

Staff and Social

Mr M. Fletcher hosted a games night on Monday week evening. The pool match winner was Callum Tennant with Ashlee Perrin winning the dominoes and Dickie Dillon the darts match.

Grange Care Home

An Easter hymns service for residents was led by Rev June Palmer. On Wednesday week morning exotic animals were brought into the home by ZooLab for the residents to see and touch. In the residential dining room, residents played bingo, dominoes and cards and attended a hands and nails pamper session. Hamilton Suite residents took part in a general knowledge quiz, held a sing along to the music from 50’s and 60’s and took part in a card making workshop. Residents in the nursing lounge played ball games to music and held a ‘knit and natter’ session. Activities were led by Mandy Lindley and Natasha Westwood.

Sports Club

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Members took part in gym work and various football activities on Thursday week at Shirebrook Leisure Centre. There will NOT be a members meeting on Thursday 15th May due to the floor being recovered. Anyone interested in joining the club should contact Mick Layton 748907.

Methodist Church
Sunday week’s evening worship was led by Barry Richmond from Bilsthorpe, who spoke about confidence in the Resurrection and comfort from knowing Jesus. Readers were Lindsey Ferreday and Sue Hall. Refreshments were served after the service. A craft evening is to be held tomorrow evening, Thursday 8th May.

Holy Trinity

‘Believe’ was the theme of the sermon given by Rev June Palmer at a Holy Communion service on Sunday week. Mr James Taylor administered the chalice. Bible readings were by Miss Helen Hornsby and Mr James Taylor. Welcome steward was Mrs K. Lindsay. The bread and wine were taken to the altar by Miss B. Charlesworth and Mrs Helen Hornsby. Paddy Chi took the collection. Refreshments were served after the service by Mrs Anne Naylor.

Salvation Army

A special tea was served recently when everyone celebrated Maj Ina Neill’s birthday. Home League Secretary, Mrs Eunice Smith led yesterday week’s members meeting when ladies discussed the special Easter services led by Majs John and Irene Houston. Refreshments were served. Jean Leadbeater welcomed members to the Sunshine Club meeting on Friday week where she took as her theme ‘showing compassion’ as reflected in the New Testament story about a woman losing her son. A Saint George’s Day event was held on Saturday week evening. A traditional roast beef dinner followed by dessert was prepared and served by Marion Hicks, Dorothy Plant and Diane Cooper. After the meal traditional English songs and songs from the First World War were sung followed by flag waving as the group members sang Land of Hope and Glory before ending with God Save the Queen. Maj Neill led the Sunday week Salvation meeting when she spoke about Doubting Thomas. The Messengers group member sang.

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