WYCHERLEY TRIAL - Day 1: Daughter admits mother’s manslaughter

Nottingham Crown COurt.Nottingham Crown COurt.
Nottingham Crown COurt.
A woman whose parents were found buried in the back garden of their Forest Town home has admitted her mother’s manslaughter.

Susan Edwards (56) admitted the manslaughter of Patricia Wycherley when she appeared at Nottingham Crown Court today (4th June) but maintained her not guilty plea to two counts of murder.

Susan Edwards and her husband Christopher Edwards (57) both deny murdering Mrs Wycherley and her husband William, whose bodies were discovered at their Blenheim Close home last year.

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The Wycherleys vanished from their address in 1998 and the Edwards are charged with both their murders between May 1st and May 5th of that year.

The remains were identified through DNA testing and a post-mortem examinations revealed that both had been shot.

At the time the bodies were discovered, neighbours described the Wycherley’s as a reclusive couple.

The Edwards, of no fixed abode, were arrested at St Pancras International Station in London on October 30th last year.

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The Edwards (pictured) previously admitted burying the couple in the back garden and obstructing the coroner in the execution of his duty and theft of a credit balance.

Judge Mrs Justice Kathryn Thirlwall swore in the jury of eight women and four men before discharging them until 10.30am tomorrow, when it is expected that Peter Joyce QC will give his opening speech for the prosecution.

The case was initially expected to last for four weeks, but the judge told the court that she expected it to take around two weeks.

the case continues.