Mansfield Town boss Graham Coughlan backs ‘lockdown’ strategy as fight against virus continues

Mansfield Town manager Graham Coughlan.Mansfield Town manager Graham Coughlan.
Mansfield Town manager Graham Coughlan.
Mansfield Town boss Graham Coughlan is backing Prime Minister Boris Johnson's 'lockdown' strategy against the coronavirus pandemic and admits the return of the football season is irrelevant right now.

Stags' season is on indefinite hold and now the Government have urged people to stay at home as they step up their fight against the disease.

“Stay off the streets,” said Coughlan. “It is a hardship but, let's be honest it's for the best and for the good of us all – not only the community but for the good of the country too.

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“There is a valid reason behind everything the Prime Minister is saying.

“I think he has led us really, really well. He has had a barrow-load of problems since he came in with Brexit and now coronavirus and he has stood up to the plate.

“Let's stay safe, self-isolate and, hopefully, we can come through the other side of it.

“When football becomes important again we can put on our hats, scarves and jerseys again and go out and cheer for our football team. But at this current moment in time and for the foreseeable future it's about people's health and longevity.

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“Hopefully it will only be a short term pain for a long term gain. Self-isolation is no hardship when you look at some of the devastation going on across Europe.”

He continued: “I am of the opinion that life and health is paramount and, while I don't want to sound as if I have a non-caring attitude about football as I love the game, I don't really care when the season starts back again.

“Over 300 people have perished over here and that number is going to grow. That is hard-hitting.

“It's not looking too healthy and, looking across Europe at places like Italy and Spain, I am hoping those type of catastrophes don't hit us.

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“I just hope we're sensible enough to stay on top of it and heed warnings and information given to stave off that massive amount of deaths.”

Coughlan urged backing for an NHS that is being stretched like never before.

“Our thoughts and our energy should be into making sure we're all fit and healthy,” he said.

“But we must make sure we back up and help the NHS as I know the people on the front line are stretched.

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“I don't want to be selfish and start talking about football and when we start back.

“I can't wait to get, don't get me wrong, but our thoughts have to be with the people on the front line who are fighting this virus and trying to get this country back on its feet.

“People ask if the season should be null and void? Yes it should as there are far more important things in life than putting dates on football. We will come back when we come back.

“This season carries on if it carries on, but let's put all our time and effort into what is going on to make sure we have as few deaths as possible.”