Thief who denied stealing bag found at his house is jailed

Mansfield Magistrates CourtMansfield Magistrates Court
Mansfield Magistrates Court
A thief who denied he had stolen a rucksack from a supermarket cafe despite it being found at his home has been handed a 12-week jail term.

Scott Brown, 35, took the bag after spotting a customer had accidentally left it in Morrisons in Kirkby.

Mansfield Magistrates’ Court was told how Brown had given a ‘fanciful’ account of how he received the bag when police found it at his care-of address on Wollaton Road, Kirkby a week later.

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The items inside, including an iPhone and headphones, were also recovered.

He denied the charge during a trial but was found guilty and made to pay £115 costs as well as serve time in jail.

Appearing in custody and representing himself, he would have been released having already served the mandatory half of the sentence while being held on remand.

However, he faces a fresh charge of entering a property on Sutton’s York Street in June and stealing a Samsung laptop and bank cards, which it is alleged he later tried to use to withdraw cash.

He denies this charge and was refused bail and so is set to appear at Nottingham Crown Court on October 26.