Social workers placed Mansfield boy with abuser

A man taking part in a national child sex abuse inquiry has told how he was repeatedly abused by a convicted '¨paedophile and his partner '“ after social services put him in their care.

The man, who is now in his 50s and cannot be named for legal reasons, is contributing to the nationwide inquiry into historic child abuse after he was prompted by your Chad’s ongoing campaign for survivors to come forward.

He told your Chad his whole childhood had been blighted by being sexually abused as a child in children’s homes in the north Nottinghamshire area and by foster parents.

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Police have now confirmed to the victim that one of his abusers was convicted for sexual offences in 1977.

The victim said: “I was in children’s homes in Mansfield and looked after by foster parents from being a baby to age 18.

“I grew up on abuse. It ruined my life.

“To me, the couple who abused me were like Ian Brady and Myra Hyndley.

“They almost strangled me.”

The police letter was sent to the victim at the end of March.

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Talking about the abusive couple, it says: “I cannot see what safeguarding measures, if any, were put in place post the conviction in respect of either party.”

The victim has since been paid compensation by Nottinghamshire County Council and received an apology.

However, he said he believes it is highly unlikely that he was the couple’s only victim.

He said: “How many people did they abuse before the social services gave me to them?

“They molested me together and individually.

“I want to know why these people were allowed to carry on.

“They were habitual child molesters, so how many more did they do?”