Post office changes criticised by residents

The closure of Mansfield's Crown Post Office and move into the Four Seasons Shopping Centre this week has been criticised by residents.

The branch at on Church Street closed on Thursday March 9, with the Post Office now operating out of WH Smiths on Westgate, inside the shopping centre.

Residents said the move means the ‘beautiful’ building will now be shut up and add another derelict site to the town centre.

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Others said it would mean extra queuing time due to a smaller facility.”

Rebekah O’Neill, Four Seasons Shopping Centre manager, said: “We have a brilliant range of retailers and services at the centre and we are really pleased for the Post Office to become a part of our fantastic mix.

“We are thrilled that the Post Office’s vital services will still be available and convenient through this move.”

A representative from the Post Office was outside the Crown building on Church Street,directing shoppers to the new facility.

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The same team who head up the Church Street branch will also be coming along to run the new addition, so we are looking forward to welcoming a few new colleagues.”

An online poll by the Chad showed 66 per cent of respondents did not support the relocation of the branch.

And Mansfield Mayor Kate Allsop has previously criticised the plan.

She said: “The White Hart Street and Church Street area is a vital part of the town centre with many independent retailers who rely on footfall.

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“The current location of the post office helps to maintain footfall in this area and supports those local retailers.”

Post Office workers staged a 5-day strike over the Chrsitmas period over jobs, pensions and branch closures.

The action by the The Communication Workers Union said the action will include Christmas Eve.

Your views:

John Pryor, 68, retired, Mansfield

Tina WoolleyTina Woolley
Tina Woolley

“They’ve got rid of the cash machine outside, which was the only one round that way, which means we will have to queue for ages to get money out now. I try not to use the Post Office here because the queues are so long.”

Tina Woolley, 55, carer, Mansfield

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