Mansfield MP visits emergency water supply firm’s new £1million depot

Mansfield MP Ben Bradley, left, with Water Direct operations manager Mike Rowell and marketing manager Liv Morris.Mansfield MP Ben Bradley, left, with Water Direct operations manager Mike Rowell and marketing manager Liv Morris.
Mansfield MP Ben Bradley, left, with Water Direct operations manager Mike Rowell and marketing manager Liv Morris.
Mansfield MP Ben Bradley visited the new premises of a water supply company last week.

Water Direct has invested more than £1million in the 1,231m² warehousing and logistics depot just off Oak Tree Lane, from which to offer planned and emergency water services.

Ben said: “It was a great education for me, not only does Water Direct provide a fantastic service but the fact they have chosen Mansfield for their business speaks volumes for area.

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“Water Direct are providing a fantastic service as well as employing local people at their depot.”

He added: “They are also helping the environment by installing solar panels so the depot generates all its own electricity, as well purchasing new lorries fitted with low emissions technology.”

The strategic central location provides the company with convenient access to major routes like the A60 and M1 to reduce delivery times nationwide.

Water Direct’s marketing manager Liv Morris said: “It was a great opportunity to welcome Ben to the depot and highlight our recent growth in the area.

“It’s great to know we have that support and appreciation for investing in Mansfield.”