Police planning inspector cuts in Mansfied and Ashfield

Stock pic for website Mansfield police stationStock pic for website Mansfield police station
Stock pic for website Mansfield police station
The number of police inspectors covering the Mansfield and Ashfield area to be cut by half, it has been announced.

Currently, there are four neighbourhood inspectors covering the north and south of each area.

But from next month there will only be one each for both Mansfield and Ashfield.

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Insp Nick Butler will join Mansfield and Insp Glenn Longden will head up Ashfield.

It is not thought there would be any job losses, with inspectors being redeployed.

Despite the changes, Nottinghamshire Police are keen to stress that the move will not affect frontline services.

That means there will be no change in the number of sergeants, PCs and PCSOs for each area.

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Deputy divisional commander, Supt Richard Fretwell said: “Nottinghamshire Police has reviewed its neighbourhood policing structures and whilst we have a well embedded model, further integration will ensure we continue to deliver a service that is effective.

“From February, the number of local area commands in the county of Nottinghamshire - not including Nottingham city - will be reduced from 12 to seven, with each covering the same geographical area as the district and borough councils.

“This change will reduce the number of inspectors in local area commander roles, but will not affect the 
current number of sergeants, constables or PCSOs within neighbourhood policing teams.

“This will have a number of benefits for the public.

“It will enable local area commanders to be able to allocate resources more effectively, rather than have those resources divided between smaller command units, it will greatly enhance partnership working with our local authorities and strengthen the links within district-wide community safety partnerships.

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“It also will mean that frontline policing will be bolstered by the redeployment of a tier of middle management that currently exists in neighbourhood policing.

“At a time when policing budgets are challenging, this demonstrates that we can meet those challenges while ensuring we continue to adapt and improve both our neighbourhood and frontline policing provision.”