Paddy Tipping says more policing resources will be made available

Paddy Tipping giving a speech to Ashfield District Council.Paddy Tipping giving a speech to Ashfield District Council.
Paddy Tipping giving a speech to Ashfield District Council.
Nottinghamshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Paddy Tipping says the police is 'recruiting at a faster rate' than any other force in the country.

The police welcomed more than 2,000 new recruits in early September, the highest recruitment drive in years, meaning more resources will be made available to tackle “localised crime”.

Mr Tipping made the claims at an extraordinary meeting of Ashfield District Council where he suggested that Nottinghamshire Police is at one of its “strongest positions” for years.

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He said: “With the new officers we are now recruiting at a faster rate than any force in the country alongside Humberside Police.

“The key thing to note is that the new recruits, particularly those who come through our apprenticeships scheme, all get paid the national living wage.

“We are putting more officers on the streets and are doing more than other police forces in terms of growth.

“I have been very clear that as we increase numbers everywhere will get extra resources.

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“There are new people coming in and it will take them a bit of time to get up to police speed, but they are there and we are moving forward.

“What people want is police to be there whenever they need it and we will make that guarantee.”

However he also warned that while Nottinghamshire Police is recruiting quickly, people must be wary that the distribution of resources relies heavily on funding and grants from the government.

He added: “When our budget has been slashed by £54m, a 25% cut, there is some tough talking that needs to take place about what our priorities are.

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“I think we need to talk with people about the best use of resources and give them reassurances.

“The best reassurance we can give them is that we are going to tackle the serious problems, and there are some very difficult problems.

“I have had a lot of discussion with the chancellor about the police budget.

“We had a better than expected settlement this year, and I think the settlement next year - if the government fulfils its promises - will be helpful too.

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“However, the budget is looming next week and while the Prime Minister may say that ‘Austerity is over’, there simply isn’t a magic money tree and yet again we will have to be wise about managing our resources carefully.”