Men arrested for Sutton flat fire released

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Fire engine
Three men arrested following a flat fire in Sutton in Ashfield have been released from custody, with one released on bail.

Emergency services were called to a fire at a property in Willow Crescent at about 1am yesterday (Saturday, December 29).

Three men, aged 51, 35 and 21, were arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life, in connection with the incident.

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The 51-year old man has been released on bail in relation to this matter while officers continue their enquiries in relation to this incident.

Fire engineFire engine
Fire engine

The two other men have been released from police custody, with no further action having been taken against them.#

Several residents had to be temporarily rehoused as a result of the blaze, with Nottinghamshire Police working alongside Ashfield District Council to arrange temporary accommodation for those affected.

No-one was seriously injured during the incident.