Mansfield residents could save £285 a year on heating bills thanks to free cavity wall and loft insulation

Cavity wallCavity wall
Cavity wall
Energy firm E.On are offering free cavity wall and loft insulation to all households, regardless of their energy supplier.

The insulation, which usually costs around £775 is being offered for free to all homeowners landlords, and private tenants who have their landlord’s permission.

A typical household could save up to £285 a year on their heating bills by installing both cavity wall and loft insulation.

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Nigel Dewbery of E.ON, said: “Insulation not only keeps homes warmer during winter, but it also helps keep homes cooler during summer, reduces draughts and cuts the level of external noise entering a property. Our offer of free insulation for all households has been open for around nine months and thousands of people have benefitted as a result. We’ve taken the decision to close our limited time offer at the end of June as our current energy efficiency programme for all households will be coming to an end shortly. We’d urge anyone who hasn’t already, to get in touch to find out more about the offer and to apply before it’s too late. We would highlight that the offer for free insulation remains open to all vulnerable households”

The insulation helps save money on heating bills as almost a third of all heat lost in the home escapes through walls ,and a quarter through the roof in an uninsulated home.

Most houses built after 1920 have a cavity between the walls, which is filled with an insulating material to greatly improve the efficiency of the house.

The offer ends on June 30 2018.

To take advantage of the offer, visit or call 0330 400 1083.

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