LETTER: Thanks to King's Mill

Kings Mill Hospital.Kings Mill Hospital.
Kings Mill Hospital.
On Tuesday evening, January 10, at approximately 8.45pm to 9pm, my mother-in-law was taken to accident and emergency with respiratory problems.

On arrival at the hospital, A&E was extremely busy with ambulances waiting outside with patients.
Thanks to the brilliant staff, she was seen within three hours and was even found a hospital bed to use whilst waiting to be admitted to a ward.
I can’t praise the staff enough, with the care they gave my 86-year-old mother-in-law.
On Wednesday, January 12, after my wife visited my mother-in-law, she had a bad fall at the entrance to the hospital.
I would like to thank an unknown lady and gent who helped while nurses arrived in a few minutes and was taken to A&E.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to the unknown couple and again praise the staff for their efficient and caring attitude. They were absolutely fantastic.

Mr S. Cross

Emma Bates Way,
