LETTER: New bins are full in a week

So Ashfield District Council introduced the new-red-lidded bins for normal household waste in a bid to prompt more reclycling.'¨I'm sorry, but as a household we try our very best to recycle as much as possible, washing out glass jars, breaking down cereal boxes and separating all our rubbish.'¨However, with two adults and two youngsters '“ along with a pet cat '“ we still found our previous bin, which was much bigger, was bursting at the seams.'¨Now we thought we would give the new bins a chance and questioned whether we had been recycling enough. But we find the new bin is full within aweek and we are having to take our bagged-up rubbish to the tip, because the bin is still only emptied fortnightly.'¨I'm not one normally to raise my objections, but I am left questioning what I pay my council tax for.'¨And don't get me started on the pointless initiative of having the previous household waste bin retained for garden rubbish. Utterly pointless and I know a lot of my friends feel the same.

A frustrated mum

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