LETTER: King's Mill staff went above and beyond

Kings Mill Hospital.Kings Mill Hospital.
Kings Mill Hospital.
In the midst of all this NHS turmoil there are many of us in the Mansfield area who watch and wait as our relatives and friends need hospital care.

So I am writing to the Chad with a plea to print my personal experiences at King’s Mill Hospital recently in the hope that it will help reassure people who need help there.

From the moment the two friendly and extremely efficient paramedics arrived and decided King’s Mill was the place for my husband, Sam, we were drawn into a comfort zone I would not have thought possible in such a huge, pressured place. When the operation offered was not possible because of his damaged heart, the ongoing care continued seamlessly. Sam was taken to ward 32 where he was treated throughout with compassion, respect and affection until he died three days later, peacefully and with dignity, with the same heartfelt compassion being extended to me and to our large family who were all able to be with him in the best hospice-style care anyone could wish for.

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Many people say they want to give their loved ones a good ‘send-off’ at the funeral, but we witnessed the most perfect, natural, peaceful passing for Sam in that hospital ward which I know I could not have achieved at home. So thank you to King’s Mill and God bless you. My family and I just hope this gives you the encouragement to keep the strength to go on despite the negative press.

Additionally, as if to reinforce my belief, I heard another heart-warming story from our son who is involved in one of the essential homeless projects running in Mansfield. A client being helped back on his feet told of his experiences after being taken into King’s Mill suffering from pneumonia over Christmas. He too was so complimentary about the levels of care and compassion afforded to him, never any hint of judgment given the circumstances which probably led to him being admitted.

That is what I call compassion.

So this is why I am writing to ask you to spread the news that those who work in that way on behalf of local people are very much appreciated and valued and I also would ask those of you in positions of responsibility to give our NHS the support they need to help us in our hour of need whenever that might be.

Mary Doubtfire

By email