Police patrol Nottinghamshire villages for illegal off road bikes

Police patrol Nottinghamshire villages for off-road bikersPolice patrol Nottinghamshire villages for off-road bikers
Police patrol Nottinghamshire villages for off-road bikers
Neighbourhood Policing Teams have stepped up their patrols of several Nottinghamshire villages, after residents complained about nuisance off-road bikes.

A Nottinghamshire Police spokesman said: "Due to numerous complaints from members of the public, your Neighbourhood Policing teams, supported by the county off-road motorcycle team have targeted areas of concern in relation to illegal off road bikes.

"Bilsthorpe, Ollerton, Boughton and Clipstone have been patrolled to name a few areas visited.

"We are out to catch those committing offences - not law abiding citizens!"

If you have any information relating to off-road bike offences, please call 101 or crimestoppers anonymously on 0800555111.