Eastwood man arrested as string of car thefts leaves residents feeling 'unsafe in their own homes'

A 19-year-old man was arrested this week and later released on conditional bail.A 19-year-old man was arrested this week and later released on conditional bail.
A 19-year-old man was arrested this week and later released on conditional bail.
An Eastwood man was arrested on conspiracy to commit burglary and theft this week after evidence was recovered during a search of his flat.

Officers from Broxtowe’s Operation Reacher team carried out a successful warrant at an address in Manor Road, Eastwood, on Wednesday morning (December 29) and arrested a 19-year-old man on suspicion of conspiracy to commit burglary and theft of a motor vehicle.

The arrest comes on the back of good work carried out by Nottinghamshire Police’s dedicated county burglary team as well as response and CID colleagues.

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Detectives are continuing their investigations after a report of a car key burglary in Nuthall and theft of a car from an address in Eastwood.

It was reported a house in Meadow Rise, Nuthall, was broken into on September 8 before the keys to a Mercedes were taken and the car was stolen off the drive.

Enquiries were also carried out after a further report was received of a car being stolen from the driveway of an address in Coach Drive, Eastwood, on December 10.

Sergeant Liz Gaskin, from Nottinghamshire Police, leads the Broxtowe Operation Reacher team. She said: “We understand that burglary and theft can have a huge impact on victims, not just financially but emotionally too.

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“No member of the public should be left feeling that way after having something stolen from them and as a result left feeling unsafe in their own homes.

“I hope the ongoing positive work and engagement of our Operation Reacher team, supported by neighbourhood policing team colleagues, is making people feel safer and reassures them that we are working hard to reduce crime in our communities.

“We will continue to strive to prevent criminality before it happens as well as taking robust action against those believed to be involved in crime.

“This arrest and warrant shows our determination to crack down on distressing crimes, such as a burglary, as well as tackling other priorities which local people have told us matter most to them.”

The 19-year-old man arrested on Wednesday has since been released on conditional bail as enquiries continue.