Crown court sentence for Mansfield stalker who grew magic mushrooms

Mansfield Magistrates court, Rosemary Street.Mansfield Magistrates court, Rosemary Street.
Mansfield Magistrates court, Rosemary Street.
A Mansfield man who grew magic mushrooms and stalked a woman for four months has been sent to the crown court to be sentenced.

Adam Wilcockson, aged 38, of Topaz Grove, Mansfield, admitted producing psilocybin mushrooms and stalking involving serious alarm and distress when he appeared at Mansfield Magistrates Court, on December 7.

The case was adjourned for a probation report until Thursday when magistrates were told magic mushrooms are class A drugs and the offence has a starting point of 18 months in custody.

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Daniel Wilshaw, prosecuting, told the magistrates: "I'm going to suggest your powers of sentence are insufficient."

"I think I would be wasting my time and your time if I were to wax lyrical about the sentencing options available," said Ian Pridham, mitigating.

Wilcockson was given conditional bail not to contact the woman he stalked, or going to her address, and he was committed to Nottingham Crown Court for sentence on February 29.