Big hearted donors raise £9,000 in a day for cancer stricken tot

15-month-old Sutton toddler Dawson Willcock is suffering from a rare form of cancer. His family are raising thousands so he can visit an American cancer specialist.15-month-old Sutton toddler Dawson Willcock is suffering from a rare form of cancer. His family are raising thousands so he can visit an American cancer specialist.
15-month-old Sutton toddler Dawson Willcock is suffering from a rare form of cancer. His family are raising thousands so he can visit an American cancer specialist.
An appeal to give a Sutton tot with a rare form cancer a chance of survival has raised more then £9,000 in a day.

Yesterday the Chad told how Sutton family are desperate to raise enough money to take their 15-month-old son to America to have last chance treatment for a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

By Friday morning more than 600 people have now donated to the appeal on Dawson’s justgiving page.

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Tiny Dawson Willcock was diagnosed in January with a rare 0.9 in one million cancer, Hepatoblastoma.

His mum Wendy said “When we learned our beautiful son’s diagnosis our worlds and our hearts literally blew apart that day, you never think it could happen to you.

“Since that day Dawson has tried several different Chemotherapy drugs, none of which are working.

“In April we were told even whilst on chemo, the Cancer had spread to our baby boys lungs.

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“Our hearts which had slowly started to mend were once again smashed. There was a last chance Chemo to try,

“Dawson started this that day in April, the side affects of this drug have not been nice for him.”

“As parents, we watched our boy suffer so much, in the hope we were doing this to save him.”

But Yesterday, May 17 Wendy and Dawson’s dad David Willcock were told the chemo had had no effect, the lung tumours have increased in size and his Cancer is chemo resistant.

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Wendy added: “I can’t begin to tell you how I feel, my heart is in a million pieces but for my little boy I need to stay strong and focussed.

“We are in talks with a Doctor in Cincinnati, he has cured many children who were classed as terminal in the UK.”

“We know if he can save our sweet Dawson, its going to cost hundreds of thousands.

“We haven’t been given any confirmation or costs yet, only a rough idea, but time is not on our side, we need to have this money in a very short time.

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“Should we get the news he can’t be saved, any money raised will go to good causes such as families like ourselves needing funding.

“So the plan is, to spread this as far and wide as possible and get as many people as possible to donate just one dollar/pound.

“Thats all we ask, one dollar and to share the link. Who misses one dollar/pound? That one dollar could save our babies life.

“Please, please, just have that coffee at home and put your one pound into saving my Dawsons life.

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“From the bottom of my heart, thank you to anyone who donates or shares.”

The justgiving page can be found at:

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