£1m bid to showcase the '˜best of the eras' in Mansfield

Leeming Street in 1979 - Mansfield Museum PictureLeeming Street in 1979 - Mansfield Museum Picture
Leeming Street in 1979 - Mansfield Museum Picture
A historic trading route in Mansfield could see a £1 million investment showing off the '˜best of the eras'.

The five-year ‘Mansfield Townscape Heritage’ program could see over £1 million spent on Mansfield’s town centre. The project could see parts of Leeming Street, Stockwell Gate and the Market Place, transformed by architects to emphasise the best bits of its heritage. The money could be made available through a National Lottery Fund bid. The bid was placed by Mansfield District Council and, if it is successful, the programme will last up to five years from early 2019 until 2023. Roddie MacLean, an architect at Creative Heritage, who were brought in by the district council for the project, said: “We look at the area and see what might have to happen in the future. When we first draw up the plans, we don’t know who are the owners of the buildings. “Before today we had interest expressed by three owners. Mr MacLean has said the extent of the reinvention will depend on the owners. Works could see changes to the streets including the replacement of lost architecture and traditional sign-written shop facias and hanging signs. The grant will cover 75 per cent of the costs of the conservation works. HeMr MacLean added: “I believe it will look so much better, people do look up to see the buildings above the shops. “We have said in this case, because there are so many eras, we will pick the best of each era. We will have a set of well-thought-out shops from every age.” The project which has moved onto the second stage of the heritage fund will involve the whole community.Consultations have started into seeing what community activities the public would like to see. A public consultation was held on Thursday, January 18 and Friday, January 19, at 34 Leeming Street. Visit www.mansfield.gov.uk/TownscapeHeritage to get involved.