Teachers' exodus from troubled Mansfield academy

Manor Academy, Mansfield WoodhouseManor Academy, Mansfield Woodhouse
Manor Academy, Mansfield Woodhouse
Some 11 teachers have left Mansfield's Manor Academy in the past nine months following a damning Ofsted report.

An overhaul continues at the Hall Park Road Secondary School and leaders have been given a hopeful assessment that they are on track to climb out of special measures.

Her Majesty’s Inspector of Education David Burton said: “Leaders and managers are taking effective action towards the removal of special measures.”

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The schools previous report said it was ‘inadequate’ and its own internal reviews were ‘overgenerous’, undermining the school’s capacity for improvement.

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Since the inspection, 11 teachers left the school and eight more have been hired, but there are six teachers on maternity leave including principal Donna Trusler. At the time of the inspection there were also eight other teachers absent due to ill health.

The school joined the Two Counties Trust in September and with ‘excellent support’ from its new owners, inspectors said the school’s two acting principals have worked effectively to improve the school.

The report states: “The quality of teaching is improving and pupils’ progress is accelerating Having considered all the evidence.

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“Much of the weakest teaching has been eradicated. Thirteen teachers are currently receiving additional coaching to improve aspects of their practice.

However, “the quality of teaching in science and modern languages remains too variable,” and was particularly inconsistence when students didn’t have permenent members of staff.

Mr Burton added: “I strongly recommend that the academy does not seek to appoint newly qualified teachers in science or modern foreign languages.”

Manor Academy is yet to comment.